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Military Civil Fusion

Military Civil Fusion - (v) Any alien studying or conducting research in a field related to information that would not contribute to the military-civilian fusion strategy of the PRC, as determined by the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security in consultation with the appropriate executive branch of the Department.

and agencies (agencies); In 1999, with the NDAA, lawmakers provided a vital means of protection against a hitherto little-recognized threat. However, this tool remained unused for two decades. During this time, Beijing became globally integrated. He identified positions of asymmetric dependence and coercive effects with them.

Military Civil Fusion

Military Civil Fusion - YoutubeSource:

The CCP developed its own MCF program and made it a national-level strategy. The threat environment has evolved so that in 1999 the tool became both more valuable and obsolete. The DoD lists were published without methodological explanation.

Reality While China’s Party-State Does Not Need A Law To Compel A Company To Turn Over Technology Mcf Appears To Leverage Incentives More Than Coercion Moreover State Coercion Or Direction Cannot Create The Integrated Ecosystem That Is Necessary For The Success Of Mcf

A delay of 20 years or a delay that ended suddenly was not recognized. But the Defense Department likely released the lists in response to bipartisan pressure from Congress: In 2019 In September, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), then-Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI)

and Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) cited 1999 in a letter to then-Defense Secretary Mark Esper. Section 1237 of FY NDAA. A bipartisan group of lawmakers urged the Defense Department to fight China's MCF strategy and urged Esper to update and release the list requested in 1999. NDAA.

"The administration should reexamine all available statutory institutions to deal with the CCP's strategy of military-civilian fusion," the group wrote, "including powers that have been dormant for years." China's thirst for new technologies that fuel not only economic growth but also military superiority has been a cat-and-mouse game between the US and China for years, with China trying to convince the US that its purchases are routine.

for commercial use only, not for threatening military missions. However, there is no doubt that many Chinese companies have absorbed the technology for commercial use over the years, first benignly and then re-emerging in military applications.

Questions For Future Analysis

This PDF is the current document as released for viewing on 6/3/2020 at 8:45 AM. The Chinese party state does not require the law to achieve the desired end result in extremes. The balance of power between central authorities versus businesses is different from the United States and other democracies that have advanced legal systems, where it is easier for society to turn its concerns to the courts or the media.73 If the Chinese military or

the government wants a technology that a company has, then undue influence or pressure can force the company to change it. However, this does not mean that forced transfers occur regularly or that they are effective as a political mechanism.

Finally, the illegal capabilities available to the party state were not enough to make the MCF a reality. It is too early to assess the returns of these Chinese MCF investment vehicles with great confidence. Although the price tag of the PRC MCF funds has made headlines, the management of these funds, including alleged cases of "confusion and greed," in some cases deserves criticism.24 There is evidence that these funds are not spending all their money.

Arunachal Governor Calls For 'Civil-Military Fusion'Source:

which has been selected and may even, as an accounting gimmick, claim to have more money than is actually withdrawn.25 It is an open question whether some of these funds are simply plowing their money back into the state-owned defense industry, thereby reinforcing existing barriers to China's

From Spin-On And Spin-Off To Step-Up

defense ecosystem, rather than investing in a new generation of companies that would disrupt the status quo. Funds currently lack transparency, making it difficult to measure results and outcomes. Finally, the report also argues that DoD's documentation efforts should be aligned with operations: Washington needs mechanisms to support government and private sector activity to defend against and compete with Chinese military enterprises.

Executive Order 13959 is an example of a mechanism that limits the ability of Chinese companies linked to military activities to operate in the global financial and trading system. The United States also needs tools for proactive, offensive competition.

These companies maintain and operate a number of subsidiaries. The DoD list clearly identifies three of these subsidiaries. The first, China Academy of Launcher Technology (CALT), is a subsidiary of CASC.18. CALT builds China's Long March rockets and is responsible for launch missions for key national space efforts, including the Beidou Satellite Network, a manned space program.

and lunar exploration projects. CALT's website states that all of its work supports the spirit of a "comprehensive military-civilian fusion development strategy." Haige's annual report lists 25 subsidiaries, including Shenzhen Rongxing Industrial Development Co.110 Shenzhen Rongxing focuses on radio software development and system integration.

Military Infrastructure

The company's website states that it aims to be a "reliable and respected MCF developer in the field of electromagnetic spectrum".111 Shenzhen Rongxing has contributed technical support to joint Sino-Russian military exercises as well as the G-20 summit in Hangzhou.

2016 112 2013 The company claimed to be "the only industrial company capable of integrating and connecting the core systems of companies such as Germany's R&D, France's Thales, and America's TCI."113 Shenzhen Rongxing's website notes Shenzhen Rongxing's "good cooperative relations" with TCI, Agilent, and

NARDA in the United States, as well as France's Thales, Japan's AOR, and Germany's R&S and GEW.114 Available data on the number of companies certified to sell to the military shows that the number of vendors is growing slightly.

Companies developing new technologies in aerospace, optoelectronics and cyber security are also gaining more attention from military and defense industry groups. However, advanced military programs such as weapons systems remain firmly in the hands of state defense groups.

Reference Of Cmi And Mcf In China's Fyp (1991-2020) | Download Scientific  DiagramSource:

American Red Cross

In addition to the "Seven Sons of National Defense" universities, which have long supported the military85, many Chinese universities actively support the MCF.86 A growing number of universities have, for example, been designated by the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry.

National Defense (SASTIND) under "joint construction" (共建) programs.87 Many universities have developed their own MCF platforms or established national defense laboratories, often with funding from the CMC. Ministry of Equipment Development or Science and Technology Commission for its projects.88 Meanwhile, some universities actively support military training and education, including through cooperation with the PLA's new Strategic Support Force, which manages the PLA's space, cyber and electronic warfare capabilities

. Changsha Jingjia Microelectronics Co., Ltd (Jingjia Micro, 景嘉微) illustrates the development potential of China's semiconductor industry. Jingjia Micro, originally a military graphics processing unit (GPU) design company, took advantage of early government support to develop multi-generation GPUs for use in radars and satellites.

in 2019, Jingjia Micro used the knowledge gained to enter the civilian GPU market. According to the company, Jingjia's first commercial GPU series, the JM9 series, is comparable in performance to the top foreign chips from 2016. c) The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security, in accordance with their respective authorities and in cooperation with the heads of relevant agencies, will take steps to further reduce risks

Myth China Has Imposed A Legal Obligation On Chinese Companies To Participate In Mcf

, which represents PRC acquisitions of sensitive US technology and intellectual property. ownership. The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall notify the President of such planned and implemented actions through the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs within 60 days of the effective date of such notification.

Some of the listed Chinese companies have subsidiaries and joint ventures in the United States. The Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), China's Boeing wannabe, is, as Bloomberg aptly put it, "one of the world's largest military contractors," with revenues of more than $68 billion last year.

This points to another way entities can support China's military and MCF programs: providing R&D and engineering. Discussions about MCF in China emphasize the value and effectiveness of dual-use technologies that stem from removing barriers between military and civilian technology development and technology applications.69 This process involves several DoD-listed companies transferring technology from the commercial environment.

space for China's military and security apparatus.70 The public inspection page on offers a preview of documents scheduled to appear in the next day's issue of the Federal Register. The Public Inspection page can also, upon request, contain documents that the issuing authority plans for further issuance.

Myth The Pursuit Of Mcf Is A New Initiative That Is Unique To Chinese President Xi Jinping

This political report explored the glaring misconceptions to better understand China's MCF strategy, which will have a major impact on China's future economic development and military modernization. However, the many questions that remain unanswered or unanswered based on current information highlight the need for further research on this topic.

Chinese Military-Civil Fusion And Section 1260H: Congress Incorporates  Defense Contributors - LawfareSource:

This ecosystem includes a number of civilian and military laboratories that work closely with SMIC to iterate and test chip designs. Chinese research on radiation-tolerant integrated circuits used to withstand space conditions has been widely used in the SMIC process design suite.

An analysis of research papers published by the National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) shows that NUDT researchers "regularly use the SMIC process to manufacture their test chips". Cambricon Technologies (寒武纪) is another example of an opportunity for improvement.

Cambricon, one of China's leading developers of specialized hardware for high-end artificial intelligence applications, is a major recipient of Chinese government contracts. The Chinese government sees artificial intelligence as a key part of its goal of technological dominance, as well as the ability to overtake the United States in military modernization efforts.

Suspension Of Entry As Nonimmigrants Of Certain Students And Researchers From The Peoples Republic Of China

Cambricon was originally spun off from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a government-funded research institution, and received seed funding from state-backed financial institutions. The company's relationship with the Chinese military is opaque. However, its biggest customers include defense-related companies such as supercomputer maker Sugon, which was blacklisted by the US Department of Commerce in 2019.

Prospekt's 2019 revealed that its main source of revenue is government and state-owned clients. Beidou's relationship is not limited to China's state-owned military industry. Take Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC), also listed by the Ministry of Defense and the largest semiconductor foundry in China.

Headquartered in Shanghai and incorporated in the Cayman Islands, SMIC is partially state-owned and publicly listed on the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges. SMIC appears to be a supplier to Beidou and is building local capabilities to add value to the Beidou ecosystem.63 China's semiconductor industry is several generations behind the cutting edge of innovation.

Bridging this gap requires significant investment, especially in chip manufacturing. Therefore, the ability of the defense sector to create something superior or the ability of the private sector to create something better than foreign offerings is limited.

Additional Military-Academic Complex Entities

Chinese companies have attempted to acquire cutting-edge foreign technology through forced technology transfer agreements, intellectual property theft, and talent poaching. "The state and society praise and reward organizations and individuals who have contributed to the state's defense in various ways.

Anyone who, in violation of this law and related laws, refused to fulfill his duties of state defense or threatened the interests of state defense shall be tried according to law. China Communications Construction Co. (CCCC) is a state-owned engineering and construction company that in 2020 August.

China's Military-Civil Fusion And Its Implication To U.s.-China Relations |  Seoul National University Asia CenterSource:

The Ministry of Defense identified it as linked to the Chinese military. According to its website, CCCC is the world's largest dredging company, port equipment manufacturer, marine equipment design company and offshore oil platform design company.37 CCCC has developed and built advanced dredgers for artificial islands in South China.

Sea. 38 of 2019 March. CCCC signed a strategic cooperation agreement with China's Eastern Theater Fleet in the construction of military facilities. They agreed to cooperate in engineering technology, construction management and personnel training for "mutual benefit for the development of the war zone".

Autonomy Now Out With The Old In With The Outdated

Another similarity is the way both countries understand science and technological innovation. We live in an era of technological revolution where there is not yet a clear winner for major new technologies such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing.

Last month, Kurt Campbell, the White House's Asia coordinator, identified new technology as a key area of ​​competition between the US and China. This is the battle space we're in, and companies are on the front lines.

As these technologies are developed in industry, national governments around the world are looking to exploit the innovation in the commercial realm for dual-use purposes. A highly targeted approach that takes into account the complexities of international cooperation and competition in science, technology and innovation will be essential in a world that is highly globalized and interconnected.

At the same time, the implementation of the MCF aims to remove borders and increase connectivity between defense and commercial development and applications in China. These dynamics have created new risks and give US institutions reason to be concerned about partnering and working with their Chinese counterparts.

Conclusions And Implications

These risks include potential vulnerabilities in supply chains as well as new vectors for the theft or transfer of sensitive technologies. This report assesses the current dynamics and aims to clarify common areas of confusion and misinformation.

These questions deserve continued analytical attention as China's MCF strategy continues to evolve and evolve in the coming years. The Trump administration is now rushing to spoil the party for at least 89 Chinese airlines and other companies.

Reuters reported last week that it had noted the addition of a list of Chinese and Russian companies to the U.S. Commerce Department's list for which U.S. companies must obtain export permits. Although consideration of the legal issues may seem absurd or trivial, misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the legal issues may lead US policymakers to overestimate the extent of the "fusion" taking place in China.

The Institute For Strategic AnalysisSource:

Contrary to what Thiel suggested, there is currently no such legal obligation or constitutional requirement in China. The constitutional amendment Thiel appears to be referring to is the 2017 Update of the Constitution of the Chinese Communist Party (中国公司章程), not the country's national constitution.

Reality At Present A More Limited Proportion Of China’s High-Tech Enterprises Are Actively Or Openly Engaged In Supporting The Military

These markup elements allow the user to see how the document follows the Document Preparation Guide that agencies use to create their documents. This can be useful to better understand the structure of the document, but is not part of the published document itself.

Current proposals should be expanded, but a clear prioritization system must be established to target the most important entities based on US priorities and each entity's role in the Chinese system. Congress or the Department of Defense should design a rubric to help the department prioritize different technologies, sectors, and types of actors.

"There is a need to implement a strategy for the revitalization of the country through science and education, a strategy for strengthening the country through talents, a strategy for innovation-based development, a strategy for rural revitalization, a strategy for regional coordinated development, a strategy.

development strategy of sustainable development, military and civilian fusion.”51 presidential executive office activated 3/3/2023 These efforts are still in their infancy and their real impact is still difficult to assess. However, the licensing requirements for full participation in the MCF will be an obstacle for many of China's leading technology companies.

International Infrastructure Players

For example, companies with foreign investors, including those from Hong Kong and Macau, are currently not eligible to obtain the necessary licenses to participate in the MCF. with companies with foreign ties 101 For example, Qihoo 360 was delisted from Nasdaq and relisted in China, apparently to demonstrate its loyalty as much as possible.

the country's champion" in cybersecurity.102 For this reason, Chinese analysts believe that being a "pure domestically funded enterprise" (纯内资) is an important requirement for a company that intends to compete for sensitive national security contracts.103 A country that

blurs the line between the role of the individual as a citizen and the role of the individual as an agent of the state, he will not argue about the line between the role of a product intended for civilian use and its role.

the same product for military use - although only commercial, civilian is sold. Instead of trying to identify every Chinese military company, the Ministry of Defense should adopt a clear priority system to focus on the most important companies.

Clear Prioritization

This report describes a proposed framework that considers firms' role in the MCF system (for example, do they gather or apply technology?), their capital intensity, degree of US exposure or vulnerability (for example, do they control the industrial chain on which the United States depends?), and technology

or the capabilities they are developing (for example, are they operating in an area that is important to the future US energy forecast?).

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