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Military Characters

Military Characters - I understand, of course, that I must be brief on such an occasion, for I am as ugly as a priest preaching a long moral sermon in the middle of August. Therefore, I will only briefly mention the essential qualities of great leaders and, as mentioned above, I will focus mainly on the military nature of the subordinate, his relationship with the superior, the behavior of the superior towards his subordinate and the duty of the subordinate.

a superior to train his subordinates in such a way as to inspire loyalty, develop initiative and thus ensure effective cooperation. This cannot be achieved without the loyalty of the entire organization. This is one absolutely irreplaceable feature.

Military Characters

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All officers desire this from their subordinates and want to admit to their superiors, but unfortunately, because they have not studied an important subject of a military nature, and especially because they do not know how to judge their own character, methods, opinions, and treatment of their subordinates, they often honestly believe that it is wrong

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course. They've been making Mission Impossible movies with Tom Cruise since 1996, so it's best not to look at the math that reveals how old Ethan Hunt should actually be in the upcoming seventh and eighth movies compared to their age.

I pretend he is. Although his methods and the reasons for their success are better known to all naval officers than to any other great commander, it is surprising that they have been so rarely imitated.

I have presented them in some detail to emphasize the great importance of leaders' methods, judgment, integrity and tact in loyalty and quick initiative. In the olden days, the use of authority seemed to be too strict, with little or no desire to misbehave, little respect for higher authority, and too much concern for personal dignity.

Here are the illustrations: For a moment, it all looks like the setup for a charming fish-out-of-water comedy, with a little more background violence than usual. Unfortunately Barry's past isn't going away and people from his military past have created a lot of drama coming back to set old values.

History Of The Military And Use Of The Phonetic Alphabet

In this regard, it reminds me of a cartoon I saw many years ago in the French magazine Le Rire. It depicted a man standing on the banks of the Seine and looking out into the water.

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He was ragged, dirty and emaciated, and his depressed appearance and demeanor clearly indicated that he was seriously considering suicide. Beneath the photo was the caption: "All my misfortunes came from never being able to make up my mind."

I refer to these cases because it seems to me that an understanding of the evil consequences of faulty methods and defective character gives a far more striking picture of the value of opposite qualities than any academic analysis could give.

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“Able Baker”

Private detective Joe Mannix would be his signature role. Lt. Joe Mannix served in the US Army during the Korean War and was declared MIA at some point before it was revealed that he was a POW camp inmate.

Two old Erie Canal boatmen, Jim and Mike, had dinner and went to the Bowery Theater. When a very sleepy heroine appeared on the scene, Jim said, "I think that's Sal, who used to be on the barge Pricklyheat."

Mike shot down the idea, but Jim offered to back his belief with a bet and shoulder the burden of proof. Accepting this, he waited for her to break into the hottest scene of the melodrama, when she dramatically sang "Low bridge!"

and Sal went on his stomach, again illustrating the almost irresistible power of unconscious impulse. I insist on this combination of loyalty and enterprise, because I hope to show that the system of military education which it supports, from the commander to the last enlisted man, is the best possible school of military education and the art of war.

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Military Slang Military Alphabet Code Words

Of course, fans of Steven Spielberg's 1975 shark thriller will remember actor Robert Shaw's speech about his character's service in the Navy during World War II. Shark hunter Sam Quint served on the USS Indianapolis, the US ship that delivered the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima, and sacrificed himself to the Japanese to help keep his mission a secret.

It would seem that such officers live their entire careers following a snap judgment or a phrase borrowed from some senior officer, such as the instructions quoted above. Although they have a lot of brains and think well, their fault is that they have never subjected themselves and their official behavior to any logical analysis.

Also, they tend to be completely self-satisfied and often brag about their outrageous discipline methods; and usually explain their failures by contradicting the quality of the personnel performing their duties. It seems almost incredible that there are among the ranks men of bright intelligence, wide professional knowledge and experience, energy and professional enthusiasm, who have harmed the ministry in all their fields of activity.

These are the so-called "impossible" men who have left traces of discontent and disobedience throughout their careers; all because they do not know or have neglected one or more of the essential qualities of the military character.

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Here is a thread which, though a very ancient "chestnut" in the navy, yet, contrary to modern notions, illustrates the great change which has taken place in the importance attached by officers to the solemn appreciation of their persons and persons.

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I knew one such officer who was in every respect a fine gentleman, except that he did not treat his fellow officers with respect. His usual demeanor towards them was quietly sarcastic and mildly condescending, and at times quite insulting, and he failed to fully inspire their loyalty to the organization.

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Although incidents such as the above relate largely to the ways and methods that prevailed before the humane ideas of our time became impossible, it is true that there are still officers in all armed forces whose methods of discipline are based on equally erroneous notions.

History Of The Military Phonetic Alphabet

, and they produce equally miserable results. Tom Cruise's Mission: Impossible hero joined the military right out of high school, eventually earning a Ranger tab and serving in the 3rd Battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment.

Before entering college and joining the CIA, he fought in Operation Desert Storm. Suppose that when war breaks out you gentlemen are drafted into the navy and assigned to a "happy ship" where you are treated with courtesy, consideration and service.

Your officers and warrant officers will help and encourage you to learn your duties and the ways of the Navy. Loyalty and obedience are not only easy, but also a real pleasure. You start out thinking you're a disciplined person, until one day the boat captain calls you out with a voice like a bull, terror like a thundercloud, and a chin like the corner of a box.

He asks with a smile why did you do such and such. It contains the two absolutely necessary qualities of the twins, loyalty and initiative, all the qualities necessary to inspire and develop them, and all that results from their combination.

Military Communication Procedure Words Prowords

Loyalty in itself is always necessary, but initiative without loyalty is dangerous. Their intelligent and trained cooperation is an essential characteristic of modern armies. Diligence, courage, zeal, endurance, courage, fortitude, achievement, experience, knowledge, self-control, judgment, ability to fight, energy, prudence, initiative, conformity, loyalty, faithfulness, busyness, diligence, will, activity, confidence, responsibility, patience

, determination, disposition, gaiety, imagination, memory, prudence, courage, initiative, foresight, perspicacity, perseverance, tact, good manners, neatness, diligence, etc.; and finally, we find the official expression of the military ideal in our service in the first articles of the United States Naval Government: "The commanders of all fleets, squadrons, naval stations, and ships belonging to the navy set themselves a good example of virtue, honor, patriotism, and obedience."

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On one occasion, when President Lincoln was shown a man-of-war, he noticed a closed, coffin-like box fixed upright near the ship's galley. He asked what it was and was told it was a "sweat box": for certain crimes, men were locked in a box and kept there until they sweated their nails out.

He went in and closed the door. A few minutes later he broke out and gave the order that this instrument of torture should be permanently abolished as a means of naval punishment. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to imagine the disaffection, disloyalty, or inability of the officers of this wise leader to do their best.

Moreover, it is easy to see how successfully his captains were able to fight the battle without his personal leadership. Astronaut George Taylor (Charlton Heston) finds himself stranded on a planet ruled by apes when a space mission fails in this 1968.

in a science fiction classic. Eventually, he discovers the shocking truth about time travel and where he landed. History of the Military Alphabet Started in 1927, it was created to make communication more accurate and faster.

Over the years, the military has evolved and improved to meet the changing needs of its countries. From the days of the first small bands of soldiers to the days of vast armies with advanced weapons, the military has used the evolution of warfare and in turn communication.

Communication is probably one of the most important parts of military operations large and small. The military plays an important role in protecting the nation's interests both at home and abroad, and has become an integral part of the operations of many governments around the world.

The benefit to the state was huge. It is true that the initiative of the subordinates sometimes turned into reckless insolence, and critics have ridiculously persisted in exaggerating these rare cases, forgetting the hundreds of others in which it was used to the best purpose, forgetting the spirit of mutual trust that pervaded it.

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the whole army, forgetting the miserable results of rallying their fallen armies. It is inconceivable that any student of war, when comparing the actions of German, French, and Austrian generals, should retain even a shadow of prejudice in favor of blind obedience and limited responsibility.

Until 1941 the first two alphabetic codes for radio telephones were created: "Able" and "Baker", which represent the first two letters of the alphabet. The Royal Air Force used a radio telephone system similar to that of the US, but it was clear that the Allies needed a more rational form of communication.

John Goodman's Walter Sobchak is a buddy's best friend, a Vietnam veteran, and a great American in 1998. In the Coen brothers' cult classic comedy noir. Born a Polish Catholic, he converted to Judaism after he married and has taken his new faith incredibly seriously since his wife left him.

Is Frank Sheeran a fictional character? Many critics of his autobiography I Heard You Paint Houses claim that many of his claims are simply untrue, and it was this book that Martin Scorsese used as inspiration for his 2019 film The Irishman.

A follower of the Indian camp to the west stabbed one of our soldiers during the altercation, took his rifle and ran away. The officer and two old soldiers chased after him. The latter took magazine sports rifles instead of adjustment parts.

Both sides took cover and opened fire. Each time a soldier fired, he would move his rifle to the designated "load position," put his hand to his waistband for a fresh round, and when he couldn't find it, he would remember he had another rifle and adjust the magazine lever.

, and shoot again, just repeat the normal drills after each shot. These men were trained subconsciously. In other words, with their standard weapons, they can be trusted to perform all necessary functions almost automatically, regardless of the stress of battle.

Yellowstone, a family drama set in Montana, has become the biggest major cable show since The Walking Dead. Kevin Costner stars as John Dutton, the patriarch of a farming family threatened by outside business interests and conflict among the Dutton descendants over who will carry the family into the next generation.

Such men are invaluable in teaching the personnel of a military organization cheerful obedience, loyalty, and initiative; and when these qualities combine in a man of naturally strong character and intellectual ability, he has the very foundation upon which to build a military character.

When you understand this, it will become clear to you what your attitude and behavior should be; but would you endure such offensive behavior without open indignation? Could you obey such an order with a cheerful voice, yes, without even showing on your face that you are angry about it?

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